Mission in details:

Mission ABC:

List of core initiatives :
A: Helping Poor Community :
1st initiative:Orphanage Lifestyle Improvements :OLI:
OLI-001: Books For Orphanage:BFO:
OLI-002: Staple-food For Orphanage:SFO:
OLI-003:Tutoring Service for RuralBD:TSR:
OLI-004:Computer Training For Orphanage:CTO:
OLI-005: Health Workshop for Orphanage:HWO
OLI-006: Reaffirm “WCB Educate All in Orphanage”: WEAO
OLI-007 : TTO: Trade Training for Orphanage
OLI-008 : OSK: Orphanage Super Kids
OLI-009 : WSI: WCB Self-help Initiative
OLI-010: Orphanage Sports Initiatives
OLI-011: Orphanage Cleaning Initiatives
OLI-012: Orphanage Renovations Initiatives

B: Center Of Excellence: COE
1st: initiative:Policy Initiatives for BD:PIB
PIB-001:Health Care in BD : HCB:
PIB-002:Education Care in BD : ECB:
PIB-003:Public Service Care in BD :PSCB:
PIB/004:Housing Sector State in BD:HSSB
PIB-005:“RMG: A fair play & social building and leveraging better RMG sector”

2nd: Build State of the Art Institutes:BSAI:
BSAI-001: A Rating Institute: To monitor service sectors or industries and create multiple matrices for all purposes.

C: Global Initiatives by People: GIP
1. GIP-001: Pollution & Environmental Care Of BD (PECB) by not polluting global air or water.
2. GIP-002: Smart Recycling Program (SRP) by recycling paper , plastics & metals
3. GIP-003: Start Green Initiatives (SGI): by coving bare school , office, hospital areas green, also encourage green energy source like solar , air or wave.

“Everyone Deserves a Chance.”